Smalltalk Programming

Below is code that you can use to add a much desired ability in the shooter game world – an aimbot! Most everyone who wants this only has the ability to pay money to have it in their game. Almost no one codes their very own aimbot. Are you up for the coding challenge? If you do it, you will be one of the very few number of people who could ever say that they have coded their very own gaming aimbot.

1. Type and save the code below.

EllipseMorph subclass: #Shot
instanceVariableNames: 'aimbotEnabled aimbotSteps'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'ShooterGame'


    super initialize.
self color: Color red.
self extent: 16 @ 16.
aimbotEnabled := false.
aimbotSteps := 800

Shot>>aimbotEnabled: aBoolean

aimbotEnabled := aBoolean


| targetDistances |
targetDistances := Dictionary new.
owner enemies
do: [:enemy | targetDistances
at: (self position dist: enemy position)
put: enemy].
^ targetDistances at: targetDistances keys min

Shot>>aimbotTowards: aTarget

| myPosition targetPosition myStepTime |
myPosition := self center.
targetPosition := aTarget center.
myStepTime := self stepTime.
aimbotSteps := aimbotSteps - myStepTime.
self center: ((targetPosition * myStepTime) + (myPosition * (aimbotSteps - myStepTime))) // aimbotSteps


    owner enemies ifNotEmpty: [^self closestTarget]

self top < owner top
ifTrue: [^ self delete].
self bottom > owner bottom
ifTrue: [^ self delete].
self left < owner left
ifTrue: [^ self delete].
self right > owner right
ifTrue: [^ self delete].
owner enemies
do: [:enemy | (self bounds intersects: enemy bounds)
ifTrue: [self hitEnemy: enemy.
^ self]]

(aimbotEnabled and: owner enemies notEmpty)
ifTrue: [self aimbotTowards: self aimbotTarget]
ifFalse: [self position: self position - (0@5)].
self checkContact

Morph subclass: #ShooterGame
instanceVariableNames: 'ship score aimbotActivated'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'ShooterGame'


    ^ aimbotActivated


    super initialize.
self position: 100 @ 100.
self extent: 640 @ 480.
self color: Color black.
self setNameTo: 'Shooter Game'.
aimbotActivated := false.
self initializeStars.
self initializeShip.
self initializeScore.
self initializeEnemies


    | shot |
shot := Shot new aimbotEnabled: owner aimbotActivated.
shot position: self topCenter - shot bottomCenter.
owner addMorph: shot


    aimbotActivated := aimbotActivated not.
(self submorphsSatisfying: [:morph | morph isMemberOf: Shot])
do: [:shot | shot aimbotEnabled: self aimbotActivated]

2. Note that the method submorphsSatisfying: works the same way here as the two methods submorphs select: do together, which you used elsewhere.

ShooterGame>>handleKeystroke: anEvent

    | keyString |
keyString := anEvent keyString asLowercase.
keyString = 'r' ifTrue: [self initializeEnemies].
keyString = 'a' ifTrue: [self toggleAimbot].
ship keystroke: keyString

3. If you are “live coding” (making code changes while your game is still running), you will also need to run this expression in an explore morph window. Run the expression “aimbotActivated := false.” on ShooterGame in your explore morph window. Remember to select ShooterGame before running the expression. If you quit and start a new game this step will not be necessary.

4. Now you are unstoppable! Is there anything else that might be cool to have for your game?

5. Save and Quit your Smalltalk image.

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