Smalltalk Programming
Lesson 3

For today’s lesson, you will learn how to create a graphic button that uses an expression from your previous lesson. This button will be used to evaluate your expression, which will then move your EllipseMorph.

1. We will use an expression from Lesson 2 that moves your EllipseMorph to the right. You will then assign that expression to a variable name. Will your new variable run your expression? In your existing Workspace window, type the following code and then “do it” for each line:

moveRight := b x: b x + 10.

2. What happened when you evaluated the moveRight variable (the second line)? Did you notice anything? Try evaluating the first line again. If you did not notice anything, try evaluating the expression a few more times. What do you notice?

3. The expression in the first line of Step 1 will move your EllipseMorph to the right and then assign your EllipseMorph object (which is the variable b) to the moveRight variable. This is not exactly what we are looking for. We are wanting something that will run when evaluated.

4. Let’s try something different. Change the expression that you typed in Step 1 to look like the line below and then “do it”:

moveRight := [b x: b x + 10].

5. Did you notice anything this time? If not that is okay. You should not have noticed anything just yet.

6. What is different in the expression in Step 4 from the first line that you typed in Step 1?

7. You added [ and ]. In Smalltalk these create a Block. These []’s will make a difference, but there is one more thing needed in order for this to work.

8. In Smalltalk the []’s create a Block. Using a Block lets you wait to evaluate your expression(s) until you want to. There is a lot of power with these and you will find them in a lot of Smalltalk code.

9. To have your Block evaluate your expression, you send to it the value message. In your existing Workspace window, type the following code and then “do it”:

moveRight value.

10. What do you notice this time? Your EllipseMorph moved! Every time you send value to a Block, you cause it to evaluate the expression(s) inside.

11. You can use the variable name of your Block to create a simple button that can be used to evaluate its expression. Type the following code in your Workspace, highlight all the lines, and then “do it”:

s := SimpleButtonMorph new.
s label: 'Move right'.
s target: moveRight.
s actionSelector: #value.
s openInWorld.

12. You should see a small rectangle button in the upper left corner of your screen. Because a message was not sent to the button, letting it know where to go, that is its default opening location. Click on the button. What do you see?

13. Can you figure out what the code in Step 11 is doing by looking at it?

14. The special word #value that you sent is a special way to send value to your Block but it works just like Step 9. This special way will prevent value from being used where it should not be.

15. Save and Quit your Smalltalk image.

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