Below is code that you can use to create a starry background in your game.
1. Type and save the code below. Remember not to type the class name and the >> (such as Star>>initialize – you will only type initialize). This is the Smalltalk way of identifying the method of a class.
EllipseMorph subclass: #Star
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'ShooterGame'
super initialize.
self color: Color white.
self extent: 4 @ 4
100 timesRepeat: [
| star origin anExtent |
star := Star new.
origin := (self bounds) origin.
anExtent := (self extent - star bounds extent) rounded.
star position: (origin x + (anExtent x atRandom)) @ (origin y + (anExtent y atRandom)).
self addMorphBack: star]
super initialize.
self position: 100 @ 100.
self extent: 640 @ 480.
self color: Color black.
self setNameTo: 'Shooter Game'.
self initializeStars.
self initializeShip.
self initializeScore.
self initializeEnemies
2. What a great addition to your game! What else might be nice to have for your shooter game?
3. Save and Quit your Smalltalk image.